-=Hawk's Trivia Faq's=-

«—¤§ Some Trivial Trivia §¤—»

The term "falcon" for instance, is speaking of the female falcon. The male falcon is called a tiercel, from the Latin tertius, meaning a third, because it is roughly one-third smaller than the female, as in many raptor species.
The Peregrine falcon is the worlds fastest animal when in a dive. Reaching speeds over 175 m.p.h. Peregrine is Latin for wanderer or wandering.
A vulture is not a buzzard. A vulture is just that, a vulture. A buzzard is a term for the Buteo (Broad-winged soaring hawks) like a Red-Tailed hawk.
The Harpy eagle of Central and South America is the largest and most powerfull eagle. The feet of a harpy are as large as a mans hand. Their hind claws often grow as long as the longest claws of grizzly bears. Harpy means "witchlike", because it's crest gives it a witchlike look. The female harpy can weigh up to 16 or 17 lbs.
The Goshawk in mythology was sacred to Apollo, The great leader of the Huns, "Attila the Hun" had a crowned goshawk as his personal emblem which he bore on his shield and helmet.
Birds of prey migrate by the thousands southward in the fall. Riding thermals (warm air updrafts), to wintering sites in warmer climates. In spring they migrate back northwards toward milder climates, during the summer months. Thousands of people flock to watch the hawk migrations at places like Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Pennsylvania, and many other fine places. (Check the Links page for a few sites). If you get the chance give it a try, it's breathtaking. If you can't make it, point an eye upwards in the fall and you may notice a few more hawks than usual.
The smallest bird of prey is the Falconet of Asia. They weigh (1¼ to 1¾ oz.) and are 3 to 5 inches in long, with a 7 to 10 inch wingspan.
The Bald-eagle is not bald. Bald is old English for white. (White headed eagle).